Need help entering your work?
23.03.2021 22:36

Need advice before you enter your work into Cannes Lions? Our friendly team is here to help. Get in touch with last-minute questions if you're planning on entering at the lower rate before the end of day 25 March.

Cannes Lions объявляет о запуске LIONS Membership – членского клуба Львов
23.03.2021 22:33

23 марта организаторы МФК «Каннские Львы» объявили о создании LIONS Membership - круглогодичной онлайн-платформы, созданной для объединения глобального творческого сообщества через доступ к вдохновению, обучению, творческим ресурсам, глобальному каталогу талантов, а также как к цифровым, так и к физическим собраниям сообщества

Knock out internet speeds. Literally.
14.03.2021 23:04

With more time being spent at home, interest in DIY is growing: Marvin Ellison, chief executive of hardware store Lowe’s in the US, recently reported an uptick in sales. Here are six pieces of work from Lowe’s, one of the sector’s most-awarded brands, that show off its prowess on social.

Ever seen two women who work in a Turkish Bath fight each other with sandals, soaps and sponges? Well, you’re about to.

Progress Through Creativity: Icaro Doria.
14.03.2021 23:02

Creativity is never finished. It doesn’t stop after your first brilliant idea, and it doesn’t suddenly vanish when you win your first Lion. Creativity is a constant process, and no one knows that quite like Icaro Doria who has won over 30 Lions.

It’s time to tell the truth
10.03.2021 22:11

With more time being spent at home, interest in DIY is growing: Marvin Ellison, chief executive of hardware store Lowe’s in the US, recently reported an uptick in sales. Here are six pieces of work from Lowe’s, one of the sector’s most-awarded brands, that show off its prowess on social.

If you haven’t seen it already, you need to head over to our LIONS Live on-demand platform to watch A Guide to Modern Storytelling
